Eu caí por acaso no blog da Janis, mas definitivamente foi amor à primeira vista, eu adoro sua personalidade e seu blog, sempre que posso dou um pulinho lá, um excelente local para encontrar fotos encantadoras que ela e seu marido Mike, que também mantém um blog, tiram.
Esse é o mundo dela, e você está convidado a conhecer!
O nome blog dela vem dessa música!
O que mais me chamou a atenção nesse blog foi a história de amor entre Janis e Mike, é linda e inspiradora, nos faz acreditar que encontrar o amor é simplesmente demais!
Vocês podem lê-la lá no blog dela em FAQs!
Aonde aconteceu essa história de amor!
Winnipeg Canadá!
Um pequena entrevista com a linda Janis!
1. How is life in Winnipeg?
Right now - really cold! Winter starts early and lasts quite awhile. But you know, it's a good excuse to stay inside and get cozy :) Otherwise, life in Winnipeg is good! Some exciting things have been happening in Winnipeg lately (getting our NHL team back, to name one example). We also have excellent friends here which makes life a lot of fun.
2. Why do you start a blog? And how does it influence your daily life?
I started my blog because it seemed like a good outlet for creative expression. It definitely encourages me to be more creative & I'm so inspired by what I see on other blogs. Throughout a day, I might think "Oh! That would be good to post on the blog" or think about things I want to talk about. It's also nice getting comments throughout the day. The blogging world is such a great community.
3. What is your occupation? What do you like to do in your free time?
I am in my last year of Education at the University of Winnipeg. By the end of April, I'll be a certified teacher! So exciting. I love to cook & bake in my free time. I also love reading blogs, taking photos, spending time with friends, watching movies & reading.
4. What is a perfect day for you ?
Well, I think it would involve sleeping in & cuddling with that cute husband of mine. Then going out for an excellent breakfast. And then probably a day at the beach - Oh I love my beach days. And then maybe cuddle up and watch a movie in the evening :)
5. What makes you feel strong and confident ?
I feel strong thinking about some of the adversity that I have overcome in the past and where I am now. I'm proud of what I've done so far in my life and am confident that the future holds exciting things for me & my husband. Mike, my husband, also makes me feel strong & confident. He compliments me everday!
5 coisas que eu adoro na Janis
1 ela adora tomar café dá manhã!
2 ela se veste bem!
3 ela adora ler!
4 ela adora tomar café!